Meditation is a precise technique for calming the mind and achieving a state of consciousness that is completely different from the normal waking state. It is a way of understanding yourself on all levels and ultimately experiencing a center of self-awareness within. Meditation is not part of any religion; it is a science which means that the process of meditation follows a certain order, has certain principles, and produces results that can be verified.

During meditation, the mind is clear, relaxed, and inwardly focused. In the state of meditation, you are fully awake, you are alert, your mind is not distracted by the outside world or the events happening around you. Meditation requires inner concentration, as a result of which the mind becomes silent, the internal dialogue stops. When the mind is silent and no longer distracts you, meditation deepens.

How to start meditation

Did you know that by taking just a little time to prepare for meditation, you can have a deeper meditation experience? The tips below will help you prepare for meditation in a way that is comfortable for you.

  1. Choose a convenient time
    Meditation is essentially a time of relaxation, so this process should be as comfortable as possible. So, for meditation, choose a time when you know that you will not be distracted, and you can freely relax and enjoy.
    The ideal time to practice is the hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature is in transition between day and night. Other times are fine too.
  2. Choose a quiet place
    Just like a convenient time, choose a convenient place where you are not likely to be interrupted.
    A quiet and peaceful atmosphere can make the meditation experience more enjoyable and relaxing.
  3. Sit in a comfortable position
    Your posture matters too. Make sure you are relaxed and your posture is comfortable and stable.
    Sit up straight, back straight; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and eyes closed throughout the process.
    That you must sit exclusively in the lotus position is a very common myth about meditation.
  4. Save a relatively empty stomach
    It is better to meditate before eating.
    After eating, you can doze off while meditating. Don’t force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry. It will be difficult for you to concentrate if you are hungry, you will constantly think about food! In this case, you can meditate two hours after eating.
  5. Start With Some Warm Up Exercises
    A few warming yoga exercises before meditation will help improve circulation, relieve inertia and anxiety, and make the body feel lighter. You will be able to sit steadily for a long time.
  6. Take a few deep breaths in and out
    This is again a preparation for light meditation. Taking a few deep breaths before meditation is always a good idea. This helps to stabilize the rhythm of the breath and brings the mind to a peaceful meditative state.
  7. Keep a slight smile on your face
    You will see the difference!
    A slight smile during your practice helps you to be calm, peaceful and enhances your meditation experience.
  8. Open your eyes slowly and calmly
    Before the end of the meditation, do not rush to open your eyes and start moving around.
    Open your eyes slowly and gradually, it will take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings.